Perth Amboy Artworks know for producing the concert series Live at the Ferry Slip at the Historic Perth Amboy Ferry Slip, has joined the new project called the Middlesex County Jazz Festival for its inaugural year in 2023. The Middlesex County Jazz Festival is funded in part through a grant to the esteemed New Brunswick Jazz Project by the Middlesex County Arts and Culture Trust Fund. The towns participating in the Middlesex County Jazz Festival are Perth Amboy, New Brunswick, Metuchen, Woodbridge and Edison. Each town will host a jazz concert in their town at the end of September from Sept 28-Oct 1. The collaboration is exciting since each town has dedicated professionals who produce great arts programming and community experiences and the events will showcase exceptional jazz artists.

In the past, Perth Amboy hosted the popular annual Blueberry Jazz Festival in Bayview Park and has been home to Jazz musicians notably Morris Nanton, Victor Quezada and Alejandro Ataucusi.
The Perth Amboy date for the Jazz Festival is Friday Sept 29 and we will transform the Historic Perth Amboy Ferry Slip into a live music venue directly on the water with beautiful views of Raritan Bay and feature exciting jazz artists. For sponsorship opportunities of the jazz festival please contact Perth Amboy Artworks President Caroline Pozycki Torres by email caroline@perthamboyartworks.org or call 732-877-3800.
Perth Amboy Artworks, founded in 2015, is a local Perth Amboy arts nonprofit whose mission is to use Arts & Culture to stimulate economic and community development.