
Past/ Current Projects

Salsa by the Bay Perth Amboy

In 2024 we kicked off Salsa by the Bay with group dance lessons by premiere Latin Dance Schools and instructors. Then open dancing to Live Salsa bands! And Latin Fusion Food Truck. Salsa by the Bay was monthly in the summer in beautiful Bayview Park on the Perth Amboy Waterfront

Perth Amboy Ferry Slip

Middlesex County Jazz Festival kicked off in 2023 featuring 4 days of Jazz in 5 towns. Perth Amboy Artworks is proud to produce the event in Perth Amboy. .

Catch Basin Mural in Perth Amboy

Catch Basin Murals
Perth Amboy Artworks presented 5 catch basin murals for Earth Day 2022. Catch Basin Murals are quality works of art painted in high-profile locations on city stormwater infrastructure adopted by residents to keep clean. Catch basin murals are tools for litter control, storm water management, environmental protection and climate change education and resiliency.  Perth Amboy Artworks wrote an article about the project for ArtPride NJ and presented the project at the League of Municipalities Conference. 

Perth Amboy Pride Flag Raising
Perth Amboy Artworks worked to organize the Perth Amboy Pride Flag Raising which is now in its second year and is a new community tradition.

Parranda in Perth Amboy.
A Parranda is the Puerto Rican version of caroling with traditional songs and instruments. In 2021, Perth Amboy Artworks hosted a very successful parranda featuring Segunda Quimbamba starting at Bayview Park, and ending at City Hall, visiting senior centers along the way.

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month in Perth Amboy! Middlesex County is the most diverse county in NJ, and Perth Amboy is the county’s Latino enclave. Since 2016, Perth Amboy Artworks has hosted Hispanic Heritage Month events and promoted the food scene in Perth Amboy, with some of the best offerings of Latin Cuisine in NJ.

Live at the Ferry Slip Original Music Series
Since 2016, Perth Amboy Artworks has produced Live at the Ferry Slip Music Series, a popular live music series featuring exciting local & regional bands and singer/ songwriters.  We transform the Historic Perth Amboy Ferry Slip into a live music venue directly on the water with beautiful views of Raritan Bay. To allow for social distancing, the 2021 season was moved to Bayview Park and was renamed the Waterfront Music Series.

Perth Amboy Artworks includes art for sale/show at the Ferry Slip concerts for the first time. It is well received and features amazing local artists.

Perth Amboy Artworks participated in City of Water Day, a region-wide day to raise awareness about the dangers we all face from sea level rise and climate change, and to advocate for a climate resilient New York and New Jersey harbor. We distributed literature about the local Catch Basin Mural Program and heard Spanglish Sea Shanties and Latin Jazz on Raritan Bay at the Ferry Slip.

Perth Amboy Artworks has worked with NJ Votes and Rock the Vote to educate and share information about how to vote, including upcoming election dates, locations of polls and secure dropboxes, how to register to vote online in NJ, how to vote by mail, early voting periods in NJ and how to get involved as a poll worker.

Perth Amboy Artworks Stay Home Fest

Live at Home- Perth Amboy Artworks Stay Home Fests
In 2020, Perth Amboy Artworks produced livestream concerts during the pandemic called Stay Home Fests.  Stay Home Fest feature artists live streaming performances from the safety of their home on the Perth Amboy Artworks facebook page.  Enjoy free live music at home featuring the best local and regional NJ artists. Can’t make the live show? Videos are available to watch of the performances on the Perth Amboy Artworks Facebook page. You do not need a Facebook account to watch the videos.

Paint and Sip Perth Amboy Artworks hosts Paint and Sip Events. On April 6, 2017 we hosted a relaxing evening painting nautical sunsets in a downtown venue at 289 High St with live music and delicious food.

Perth Amboy Artworks sponsors murals to add vibrancy to Perth Amboy.  In August 2016, Perth Amboy Artworks sponsored a 650 ft. mural created by a local Perth Amboy artist to cover a blank wall and complete the beautification of the public walkway that had deteriorated due to Superstorm Sandy.

Pop Up Cinema Perth Amboy Artworks

Pop-Up Cinema Perth Amboy Artworks hosts Pop-Up Cinema, screening award winning films at venues around the city and also hosts directors and actors in conversation about the films. In October 2016, we hosted the award winning indie thriller FACES. Director, crew and cast members were on hand to talk about the film.

Mentoring Artists, musicians, writers, photographers, filmmakers! We go to Career Day events. This is a photo from Career Day at Wilentz School in Perth Amboy in 2016, artist Jonathan Horowitz talking to kids about what careers involve art! Good times!