The Middlesex County Jazz Festival in Perth Amboy was a success this year! Your support will help Perth Amboy Artworks continue to bring great new projects to the City. The Jazz Festival marketing put Perth Amboy in the press for months as a destination for Arts and Culture. Some of the top press had Perth Amboy featured in a Discover Jersey Arts article and featured in a News 12 reel. We got Perth Amboy Artists great opportunities as headliners for the jazz festival. Perth Amboy dining was highlighted and discounts offered. Perth Amboy Realtors helped sponsor the event. Local artists sold artwork at the event and people were able to visit the Ferry Slip Museum. Perth Amboy Artworks accomplishes more with a small amount of funding than many entities with large budgets. Why is that? Because we believe in our mission, set goals and performance benchmarks and we are accountable to you! There is so much we can do. Help us do more with a gift.
Give a gift to Perth Amboy Artworks.
Perth Amboy Artworks mission is to use Arts & Culture to stimulate economic & community development.

Perth Amboy Artworks has activated the Historic Ferry Slip as a live music venue and brought people to visit this unique property on the waterfront for years. Our events bring the community together, improve quality of life, and attract visitors to the City. We help to create new interest in businesses, give local artists opportunities, and also interest potential new residents who are looking for communities with local activities in a beautiful setting like Perth Amboy offers. Cities are coming back in NJ, and Arts & Culture are driving that revitalization.