Live at the Ferry Slip Original Music Series Saturday Sept 7th from 7-9pm features Animal Masks and United States of Boogaloo. Animal Masks play garage, pop & psychedelic rock. United States of Boogaloo play rock, salsa & soul. Come out for a great night of music on the waterfront!

The show is free and all ages. Enjoy great live music, beautiful views of Raritan Bay and visit the Ferry Slip Museum. Also enjoy the food and drinks available along the waterfront.
Live at the Ferry Slip Original Music Series is hosted by Perth Amboy Artworks in partnership with the Historic Perth Amboy Ferry Slip Museum and The City of Perth Amboy Honorable Mayor Wilda Diaz. Grant funding has been provided by the Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders through a grant award from the Middlesex County Cultural and Arts Trust Fund.