Help Us Celebrate Our 5 Year Anniversary This Giving Tuesday.

Giving Tuesday 2018 Perth Amboy Artworks

Perth Amboy Artworks is 5 years old November 2020. Thank you to everyone who helped make this venture a success!

Dec 1 is Giving Tuesday. Help us celebrate our 5 year anniversary by sending us a donation to support local arts. During the pandemic, Perth Amboy Artworks has been offering virtual concerts. With your support, we can continue to hire artists to provide needed cultural programming for our City. We can help give artists jobs during the pandemic. The Arts help us get through the pandemic, so don’t forget to help the Arts! Please give your online donation now. Thank you! You can also mail us a check made out to Perth Amboy Artworks, and mail to 211 Front St, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861. Donations are tax deductible.

Happy Thanksgiving from Perth Amboy Artworks

Happy Thanksgiving from Perth Amboy Artworks!  We wish you and your family a happy holiday. On this holiday of gratitude we are grateful for the sacrifices people are making to beat back the virus by sharing a holiday at home with small groups and virtual gatherings. We are thankful for everyone who risked so much to make possible the coming vaccine and have deep gratitude for the healthcare workers still on the frontlines as the virus surges across the country. We are thankful for you wearing a mask and social distancing to protect yourself and others. And we are thankful for neighbors helping neighbors in these hard times, when families are mourning the loss of loved ones and experiencing health and financial problems.